Redesigning BT HR's online services


Redesigning BT HR's online services

Adapting a brand identity or launching a new one is a good way to tell the world that you're changing the way you do business. We've used brand identity to help BT signal a new approach to HR management.

In 2014, BT reorganised its HR function to improve the service it gives employees. At the heart of the reorganisation is an online HR services centre which brings together a complete set of HR and people-related functions including policies, training, benefits and an integrated third party recruitment engine.

  • Brand identity
  • User experience
  • Interface design

We developed a unified identity for BT's online HR shop that underlines the new approach and deploys the new BT brand elements we defined as part of the BT brand update. The sites design subtly reinforces BT's brand values: stock photography seems an easy way to give a site a human face but we argued that stock, by its nature, goes against BT's brand and HR messages around people. So we introduced a set of pictograms to represent the HR functions instead.