Vehicle livery for National Grid

National Grid

Vehicle livery for National Grid

Running a vehicle fleet presents a great opportunity for branding. For utility or infrastructure businesses, however, there's a real risk of taking ownership of an inconvenience, because vans are most likely to be noticed as part of a disruptive road works operation.

This was the dilemma that National Grid faced when they chose to revisit their vehicle livery. 

They had already made a decision to communicate more fully the essential role they play designing, building and maintaining the energy infrastructure we all need and expect.

Our client contact had recently been appointed to an External Communications and Brand role.  He recognised that the fleet was a key expression of the brand's new 'coming out' strategy and a good way of testing the board's appetite for change.

We began by suggesting a variety of different approaches, which allowed us and the client to move forward in a common direction. Once we had chosen a design we showed them on 3d computer models and before applying four designs to the vehicles for final approval. 

  • Brand identity
  • Vehicle liveries

The resulting design is not only bold and eye catching, but practical.  It meets stringent safety regulations and is versatile enough to be applied to a large variety of vehicles.

It was the beginning of a continuing relationship, and opened the door for work on the company's core brand communication resources, employee communications and new staff inductions. This is how we like to work, taking brand assets and expanding their potential, exploiting the versatility of our team as we seek new ways of expressing the brand and deepening its impact among different stakeholder groups.